by - setembro 25, 2021



and today I will teach you to sell any thing on the internet as an affiliate dropship anyway What is the product that you want you are Hi, what's up, look at the video of today I'm going to show you how that you can sell any product and best of all without spending money without investing a penny without I'll buy products without doing anything show how you can spread the product does not need to buy and How that you can maximize this outreach with other strategies don't have to spend no money

totally free works anywhere in the world but we will be doing this here Brazil ok, don't be fine, so it's prank I've been doing it for a long time and you will learn to do it today I also wanted to take advantage of it for me invite you to our events at Thursday the sixteenth now at 8 hours of the night we will be with us will be doing a live showing to you how is it possible for you to do one investment and recover in 48 hours without percent of investment is the best you can do thi s every

day when the time you never want anyone did this on the internet I'll show you to how does the test work Proof of what results strategy animal let the strategy and you alone lose if you're silly because it's free OK, we're talking about the course the seller's worship we go offer there for you to buy but you you don't need to buy it for you to learn that we're going to say, ok, if you want for guests 8 pm here on this channel the link is on description is the telegram lin k where well be passing

the Live link there so sign up there that it will be time and you get lost you really are one very silly person because she is a opportunity for you to learn for free something and maybe change your life changed mine will change yours Com sure buy the video and hope that you like it good guys I'll come to you teach you a way to sell today any product here shocks yours YouTube channel without investing in traffic without spending money on anything regardless of the product you have here I will

teach you how you do it to sell this product on your channel So come on first thing you have to be based always here is and if the calling has output the question happens before you advertise a product that no one wants to buy, so a one good thermometer for example here at shopping is you see here the quantity sales So let's get one here time for later here I'll pick up I'll get the cell phone that's on the way now that it's happening now then star ted the lightning offers and see down here and

the number of appears items sold already on offer if you stay and how many will appear were sold Oh ok so you can know it right Which product sells which gross which not come and How can you announce let's go there you understood only that it was something you have to be affiliated down here paint this is one is one is the first precision point video if not affiliated with the mall it's no use you won't win money doing this, here you ar e it has to be created at the mall I read the Affiliate

Program Rules They Don't it's hard to get in but you have to try to input have to go to apply then put Instagram on Twitter some thing like you're going to disclose to see if it says the proof is not so It's complicated like that, most people think, ok since for example if you roll to down here you go Check it out 339015 sold only then type is a product you can't not buy man, I sold this product a lot today product here for you to know for yourself be able to sell on your YouTube channel if

there are two ways the first thing you come here to record a video like this she the video is up again and your cell phone showing a product comparison in Brazil ok people do this outside Brazil also cool to do with Brazil you do type of video shows a comparison there for you to make sure that the product money it's just you, it's on Amazon why mass why Amazon generally they have a higher price, ok then Amazon ca n sell a lot will probably be able to sell in any Marketplace let's take this this

title here will search here at Handle only well then, there you have it here, r$ 75 is the same right here, okay a bad rating i go because what the different middle afternoon has a lot upset with water about it is something that sold you ok So look at you see 75, it's costing r$ 30, ok so the really cool difference here for you to work with a lot of margin it's cool too well then a what can you do sea rch for a video of this product at internet is going to Google then for example let's say you

want if you want this here is once here go take it here let's Google it the title here let's see if there are any video regarding this my video Hello this video here that the guy is making shorts, this one came in too Amandita the table then type has the video already there are discounts, just get and and edit it ok if I had it with you And then if you were made a lying region of 10 minute s it's mega shops here it is now it's just for you to see how it's done other people doing it which is a

lot cool is here on AliExpress against 6.1 today is more expensive than in Brazil on the flat iron in the fast r$ 30 the $8 card here it's more expensive than Shopping so it pays to buy you buy there at shopping mall to sell I think the video this here just like you on Google there and publish on your channel I buy the product and make a video review, ok there's no way after yo u play he here, the trend is that always I haven't done any for a while type of video for a moment of weeping but look

at the amount of sales I made already it's just that these videos short guys saying that air doesn't work doesn't work in the lesson tried there look at the amount of sales that this has here the two pages are full and I'm not not even doing disclosure of anything here I should start now again on that channel on sale there It's only now Murilo has the video there is no other way to disclose the time that has a face you can disclose in mine Facebook You can search group from Facebook for example

Facebook and you can come facebook search here 3rd dropship products for you to know And then you are still in the groups of dropshipping with products and suppliers and publish the port here, the link here give nothing people go side lock here look Oh, here comes the glue that we look at here, cool product, man, make one like an Instagram call the same thing you can come here on Instagram that caipia one can create rivers can creating a Stories can create what you can want worse to prove to you

like give engagement works flame use for you oh 17 thousand views this video from woman cleaning the window with sent me on the other side of the girlfriend works dude just you just come here and put it into practice and test a lot we can't do the comments of others by reading the site comments doesn't work you need to follow man you don't ne ed YouTube shorts Today it's on promoting everyone's video, ok obviously to put the first video it won't work ok and it doesn't work it's like this dude was

12 10 videos one of them go rollair ok, one of them will work YouTube will still nominate for people and you have the great advantage of video stay there forever you win money with it later, the video is good today is this affiliate dropshipping of products has never been easier for you can do this here for either Aliexpress by Sh opping by itself Tab one and you can do any form It only depends on you to put it into practice and try ok Don't forget about disclosure always important if you can

come WhatsApp telegram group if where you you want The more you divulge the bigger they are your chances of getting a result personal beauty a big hug tamo together until the next video Inglês


35 Ideias de Conteúdo VIRAL para YouTube Shorts

Aprenda Lucrar com YouTube Mini Curso Grátis 👇


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