Hey guys, I'm Filipe Nascimento and this is Micro Sobrevivência. What is Micro Sobrevivência? It's a show where I'm gonna teach you how to cook everything on microwave. Everything! Baked potato, Italian rice, spaghetti fry an egg, everything on microwave. You won't need your mom to turn the oven on. Everything is cooked on microwave. And today I'll teach you how to cook a baked potato! You're gonna need Potatos, a spoon of butter to each potato, parsley, bacon, cheese, I'm gonna use Italian
smoked cheese, salt and cream cheese. It's only those ingredients to make a baked potato. You can fill your potato with anything you want. I'm gonna fill it with bacon, ok? What do I need to do to cook my potato? A potato and a fork to make little holes in all potato. You don't need to take the peel off. Guys, after that what I am going to do is I'm gonna put the potatos on a plate, like this. And I'll cook them on the microwave for 6 minutes. Ater 6 minutes I'm gonna turn them and l et them cook
for more 6 minutes. Alright? It's 12 minutes, when it's 6 minutes I stop it, turn it, And let it cooking. After the first 6 minutes, I'm gonna put the glove on or I'm gonna burn myself. Let's go. And now I'll turn the potatos and them will be back to the microwave for 6 minutes. While the potatos are cooking I'm gonna cut the bacon because mine is not cut yet. The potato is done, guys. I'm gonna see if they did cook. With a fork I'll see if they're not like an apple, if t hey do let them cooking
for more 2 minutes. Let's go... I'm seeing if all the potatos are cooked... My potatos are ready, what am I gonna do now? I'll put the bacon here and fry it. Let it fry for 2 minutes, ok? Its own fat will fry it. It's not necessary any butter or olive oil. 2 minutes on the microwave. While the bacon is frying, take the potato I'll cut the middle of the potato opening it The same thing in the other side. Now... Salt. This isn't the salt, it's the crem cheese... A spoon of butter or margarine, or
anything you have it. Now I'm gonna take the cheese and I'll grate it on my potato. Now the bacon Now the bacon... The bacon is ready, and with a fork I'll put it in the potato. Ok, now... I'll... I don't have another spoon... I'll use the same... I'll put the cream cheese. Ok, and to decorate it... just a little of parsley on the top. Your baked potato is done! And to go with this potato I'll drink an Irish beer Murphy It's a red beer with 5% acoh ol There's a Homer laughing here If you don't
know where to buy this beer Get in touch with Kleine Ecke on their facebook page They will get a way to you have the beer. They will treat you very nice. Let's see how is the potato, a baked potato on microwave! Will I burn my tongue? Guys It's great! If you make it at home, send a picture, subscribe in this chanel, like it, if you like it comment it I'll answer everybody later. Thank you everyone, Thank you to watch 'till the end. That

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