How to BOOST Quest 2 Performance NOW...
How to BOOST Quest 2 Performance NOW...
How to BOOST Quest 2 Performance NOW...
so while editing this video it looks like everyone's nan and their nan's dog and their nan's dogs in chew toy has started to cover this topic in case you haven't seen those videos essentially they're covering the new performance boost that's coming to the quest soon that you cannot currently access i will talk about that at the end of the video what i'm gonna do right now is show you a host of performance boost that you can use right now as of this video releasing all right onto the video this
thing is way more powerful than any of you truly realize and you can unlock far more of its potential right now very easily with the influx of new people picking up a quest do for the very first time i think it's a better time than ever to compile some of the best quest 2 performance boosts available for everyone even if you don't have a good gaming pc you can juice the hell out of this thing completely standalone to just a few basic tricks how well for those you unaware the question out of this
box has its performance capped the quest to use a qualcomm snapdragon ds nuts i mean qualcomm snapdragon xr2 as its processor it's a pretty damn good cpu for a standalone vr headset so good in fact that due to the quest only having a single cooling fan to cool the chip its performance is capped to keep it from overheating and there's a few other reasons contributing to it being capped as well as things like battery life and trying to maintain the longest battery life poss ible while playing as
well as a few other reasons some argue that it's too heavily capped and some argue that it's a legit safety mechanism to prevent this thing from damaging itself through overheating though seeing that the seemingly original reason that the quest 2 didn't have 120 hertz support at launch was due to facebook trying to keep the cpu temperatures down and extend the battery life and they just added it anyway later down the line i suspect that it's a mix of both and that these performance increases
that i'm about to show you should be totally safe but will likely come at the cost of some play time as you might see a reduction in battery life dependent on what settings that you choose yeah settings you get to choose specifically how you boost this thing's performance so with a few basic tricks let's boost this things graphical quality of virtually every game on the quest too and you know what else you can boost my chances of this video getting recommended after having just made a drag on
these nuts joke within the first minute of the video by hitting that like and subscribe button you pretty much appreciate it also stay tuned to the end for the message from the sponsor of this video vr wave and how you can get your own pair of vr prescription lenses oh yeah get him got a sponsor baby now it's worth mentioning that facebook slash are already beginning to push out a new performance update to the quest which is aiming to b ring a 70 overall performance boost to the quest this is
called asw and i'll go through how this works and when you can get your hands on it at the soonest after i show you these first few performance boosts that you can do by yourself right now so first off something that everyone that owns a quest to should already have done and needs to do if they haven't already before we go any further is enabling developer mode this is how you can get access to a host of awesome experimental features on the quest too including these performance boosters i'm
about to show you it's super super easy to enable developer mode all you have to do is go to oculus dot com forward slash organization sign in and create an organization you can call this whatever the you want it doesn't matter personally i just made it by username click i understand agree to the developer agreement and then go to your oculus app go to settings go down to develop mode and switch that on bada bing bada boom you've now unlocked the true power of sunscreen on the quest too with
that out of the way let's turbocharge this thing so you're gonna need a laptop or pc this can be worse than the verge pc builds pc it can be partially on fire it doesn't matter it just needs to turn on have internet have a few mere megabytes of storage you're also going to need the charging cable that came with your quest 2 or if you don't have a usbc port on your laptop or pc you're going to need a u sbc to usb cable you don't have one you can buy one on amazon for less than it costs to be an ad
revenue to make these suck on these nuts jokes please subscribe so now you want to go ahead and download side quests you're going to need to use it at some point or another as side quest is crucial for many quest 2 owners due to its copious amounts of truly great and free games available on here with side quest installed and your quest to plugged in you should see a little green light in t he top left from here go ahead and click on device setting tools in the top right you scroll down you'll see
a set of performance and resolution options setting the cpu and gpu level to a higher number gives applications and more power to draw from with the quest too level four obviously providing the most go ahead and click level four and boom your quest to should now be able to run games at cpu and gpu level four which should give you a nice performance boost granted at the cost of probably some battery life now obviously this performance boost will be most noticeable if you're running a high refresh
rate or higher texture quality which we will now get into as next if you scroll down you'll see the default texture size the higher you set this the better your textures should generally be and the more that you can make of the gpu level that we just set though if you do choose some of the high options you can definitely experience some frame drops in some games so set this to whatever you feel comfortable with it might take a little playing around to decide which texture setting is the best for
you so definitely take some time with this one now if you want to change specific values in each of these to get the exact settings that you want and if you want to change your refresh rate to whatever you want go ahead go to the top left of sidequest hit run adb commands then select custom command from the drop down and from here you can go ahead and in put the following commands that can boost performance resolution and refresh rate each command listed on screen does one of each i will
obviously provide all of these in the description i don't can expect you to copy down each of these they'll be in the description down below go ahead and copy and paste whatever command you want depending on what aspect of the quest that you want to improve and hit run command with the texture quality command you can see the texture values ha ve been increased and you can change these to whatever you want the same goes with the refresh rate command this essentially overrides the quest to this
refresh rate to whatever you want granted that said don't go any higher than 120 hertz as the quest 2's display can only go up to 120 hertz but of course all of this will come at the cost of battery life to decide which values are most important to you and boost them accordingly depending on how much battery life you want and for the gpu and cpu performance increases you can see the command here similar to the previous options you can set your gpu level to one of the four levels with four
obviously still being the highest now on top of all of this that you could do right now the quest 2 is getting a humongous big performance boost specifically a 70 performance boost using asw what is asw asw stands for application spacewalk literally the most gangster way of saying some fps boosting nudge that my chimp brain is too dumb to understand it essentially lets apps run at half the frame rate and creates the remaining 50 of frames completely synthetically giving the quest to a more
consistent and higher frame rate as well as allowing apps to be more graphically intensive with better texture quality and lighting quality resulting in a 70 total performance boost which is absolutely bananas in an upload vr article about this performance boost highlights that this sort of jump in performa nce is usually only seen between generations of hardware this means that although we didn't get a quest pro like we'd hoped this year we are essentially getting a quest pro like performance
boost just out of a update this update alone explains why facebook slash meta decided to forgo releasing a headset this year as they hadn't even hit the peak of possible performance from the quest to so there's no way that this can be this good right surely there is a major catch and there is un fortunately one of the major side effects when using tech like asw his latency is almost doubled and visual artifacting can be introduced however facebook meta have made it clear that since that this
will require the game engine itself in whatever application is using asw to provide what they call true motion vectors instead the quality should be far higher and should result in little to no visible artifacting and to combat latency meta is releasing something called a positional time warp though my brain is about a positional time warp with all these names positional time walk will be a part of space warp and should reduce a relatency caused by spacewalk so warp on these nuts yeah boy zuck
on these nuts has it covered baby here's a basic image on how asw works for those you smart enough to understand what the is even happening in this image because i'm way too stupid to even know what these boxes are men i mean it's the most complicated thing i've ever look ed at since algebra in high school here's another image that's trying to detail how this works in a very simplistic and easy manner for any normal person to understand of which makes absolutely no sense and the quest is getting
this feature within the next few days of me recording this video meta has however given a official launch date for this for application space warp and positional timewarp which will be included in the next oculus sdk release which should launch november 8th an d both will require apps open xr and vulkan apis legacy oculus api and opengl are not supported in this as you can see i clearly know what i'm talking about and i didn't have to read through and upload the article that still doesn't make
any sense to me at all to understand what an open vr upload these nuts now it will likely be a bit longer than this as we're going to have to wait for developers to you know actually use this feature but it's coming real soon and might be being use d right now as you're watching it's going to be absolutely insane to see what developers can do with this i mean this is 70 more performance than what we currently have on the quest imagine every game that we have right now on the quest beat saber
resident evil 4 blade and sorcery all running at 70 percent more graphical fidelity or 70 percent higher refresh rate like this is gonna give developers so many cool things that they can do and it's insane that we can get this level of performance through synthetically creating frames this is by far the biggest quest news that we've gotten in a while in my opinion this blows the entirety of facebook connect completely out of the water in my opinion like this is actually bananas dude and you know
what else is actually bananas the sponsor of today's video vr wave when i'm playing video games or editing videos for long periods of time i end up needing my glasses to prevent eye strength as eye strain can lead to macular degeneration cataracts and a host of other long-term eye problems i've had no way to use my glasses in vr besides using the annoying cheap glasses spacer and sometimes still accidentally scratching the lenses until now baby vr way make prescription lenses for the quest to
they clip over the lenses using a magnetic attachment method that don't get in the way at all it's like using a quest to normally but without the possibility of long-term eye damage due to eye strain the way that you choose your prescription write on their website and customize the lenses with blue light filters anti-glare filters prescription lenses that can help correct near-sightedness far-sightedness and stigmatism so you can enjoy perfect vision in vr for the quest to the hp reverb g2 and
psvr the wave are doing a 15 off cyber monday and black friday sale as well as offering a host of new quests to accessories from face covers head straps and even a carrying case they're full worldwide shipping on almost every product and their link will be in the description down below seriously everyone thank these guys for sponsoring my dumbass once again i really really appreciate it the other way have been such awesome supporters of this channel thank you hopefully these tips were helpful
and if they were i'd like it to be much appreciated please if not feel free to tell me to go myself in the comments down below thank you for watching to this point in the video keep my wat ch time nice and high and you keep my channel from sinking into the depths of non youtube recommended thank you pretty cool anyway i'll catch you guys in the next one peace bye bye thank you everyone that showed up to my twitch i know that i see this every video and it's probably getting boring at this point
but seriously everyone that's showing up on twitch it's crazy to actually have some decent amount of viewership to talk to about the meaning of life and death and hopefully mor e of you can come over and chill with me it's great also everyone that's following my twitter and my instagram it's nice to be able to make posts and not just be shouting into an endless void and my discord all you about the discord i love hanging out with you guys thank you for chilling with me thank you for playing video
games with me i'm still gonna be hanging out on this sport so the more people that can join the better still no one has beaten me and split gates so come 1v1 me bro

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