Oculus Quest 2 Best Games 2022 - With Gameplay!
Oculus Quest 2 Best Games 2022 - With Gameplay!
Oculus Quest 2 Best Games 2022 - With Gameplay!
[Music] today we're going to be taking a look at some of the best games that you can play on your quest too we've broken them down into different categories including a motion sickness meter for each game so feel free to jump around to the games that matter most to you we've also included a pcvr title since the metaquest 2 can easily connect to a pc to play titles via wireless streaming or through a link cable also for this video we've skipped over many of the titles that you've likely already
heard about or seen in other videos so in case you're interested in some of the more classic vr titles out there be sure to check out our last compilation video alright let's get into it first off is a game that we probably should have included in our last video the walking dead saints and sinners is your opportunity to be immersed in a post-apocalyptic zombie wasteland with a full 15 hour campaign jump into the shoes of the tourist to rid new orleans of the outbreak saints and sinne rs lets you
craft stab and shoot your way through a spooky zombie experience the story gameplay and innovative combat really makes saints and sinners stand out from other vr titles you'll have to test it out for yourself to see just how satisfying it is to kill these zombies we've got this game rated at a moderate level of comfortability as full thumb stick locomotion can give people some motion sickness though saints and sinners does have an option to add a focused circle that may h elp but in case you're
looking for a more traditional jump scare horror then get yourself cosmo dread where you'll be trapped on a monster infested ship in the middle of space cosmo dread does an amazing job with environment production with procedurally generated maps that change each time you jump into the game it's impossible not to feel your spine crawl as you walk around the dark ship listening to the creaks and growls behind each door stepping away from the horror we have strid e a fast-paced action shooter
and yes it's essentially mirror's edge vr stride lets you shake up your hands to free run and zip along the city to complete objectives beat time trials and shoot to kill and style it's a unique take on free running in virtual reality that may not be for those who are prone to motion sickness but once you get a hang of the movement and speed it makes for some pretty sweet action sequences for some slower paced action you can jump into onward a mili tary sim game that can also be played online
this one can get tough to get into at first and you definitely will die a bunch in the beginning but once you slow your pace down and start to strategize and communicate with your team that's when things get a little more interesting onward has big open maps a full loadout system to customize and a strong community to play with we highly recommend it if you're into the classic military shooter genre next in case you're sick of smashing into the wall in vr all by yourself here's a couple games
you can play with others echo vr sends you into a zero gravity arena to play ultimate frisbee online with and against the community the crowd in matchmaking tends to be a bit on the younger side but you can always adjust your party audio settings and still enjoy some matches the traversal in zero g is shockingly comfortable for a high speed game and finding a team that you work well with really creates a whole new playing ex perience for vr in case you're looking to get social offline and share
an experience with a friend locally we highly recommend keep talking and nobody explodes this game has been out for a while but playing in vr makes you wonder how you could have played it in any other way keep talking and nobody explodes is a game of communication where the bomb diffuser has to cut the right wires and solve the right puzzles but your partner has the instructions on how to get that done with some tricky bombs to defuse and a timer counting down quickly this game will definitely
test your patience and communication skills with whoever you decide to partner up with now let's take a look at a set of puzzle games that are easy to get any new vr player into the experience hand physics lab is a casual puzzle experience that does a great job of showcasing the quest 2's hand tracking features the puzzles definitely won't have you scratching your head looking for a solution but this game is a perfect introduction to vr for anyone who hasn't strapped the headset to their face
yet the game allows you to drop the hand remotes and play around in over 80 different puzzles specifically designed to immerse your grubby little paws in the world of vr for a more traditional puzzle experience you can jump into the sequel to the goofy and entertaining spy world of i expect you to die too the first game was one of the best experiences you could get in vr and this new one i s even better with plenty of puzzles to keep you busy for hours on end it's a comfortable experience that
allows you to sit and figure out your next move as a world-renowned spy it even includes an immersive james bond style intro song so if you're a fan of escape room style games this one is a must next up virtual reality is finally getting to the point where we have a good set of full-length narrative experiences and one of the newer releases is resident evil 4. resident evil 4 v r is an interesting new take on the older title but it takes nostalgia to a different level letting you relive this
classic in a whole new way the game was built up in unreal engine 4 so it looks great but it also cuts down on some of those tedious early 2000's era gameplay the combat is far more engaging and spooky in vr and the puzzles that often felt like a chore in the original are now a welcome addition you'll get about a 15 hour campaign out of this one another narrative mu st play is the sequel lone echo 2. we included the first game in our last compilation list and the second title is just as
amazing the environment on your ship and floating through space is mind-boggling the voice acting and motion capture is phenomenal and the story will give you plenty of heart dropping moments this one will need to be played through a pc connected through oculus airlink or virtual desktop but that's super easy to set up now and we have a video explaining how to do that be sure to check that out in the description if you're interested finally working out in vr is actually a thing you'll find
yourself breaking a sweat with most of these titles but if you're specifically interested in really burning some calories then we recommend dance central you'll follow along to different full body motion dance moves from different characters on the dance floor to really start breaking a sweat alright that's our list for now but you tell us ar e there any games that we're missing out on let us know in the comments what you're playing in vr also we'll be releasing plenty more vr and gaming content
soon and we'd love it if you subscribe to be notified for when those videos get released [Music] Inglês

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