RANKING 32 FREE Quest 2 Games From the BEST to the WORST
RANKING 32 FREE Quest 2 Games From the BEST to the WORST
RANKING 32 FREE Quest 2 Games From the BEST to the WORST
hey folks welcome back to another video today we're gonna do something different here are 32 free quest games and here is a list of rankings today we're gonna rank over 33 quest games and determine which games are the best of them all so if you enjoy the video and find it helpful then please give a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel talking about the best remember we have a double giveaway on right now where i will be giving the winner any game on the quest platform and to enter make sure
you like the video subscribe to the channel put on bell notifications and comment hashtag wacmus21 down below not only that the developers of all in one sports vr have also provided three quest keys and four steam keys to give away and to enter that just add in the comments hashtag all in one sports quest or hashtag all in one sports team remember for the steam version you need pc vr and one final giveaway if you want to win a quest 2 and a lot more goodies the forks from puzzling pl aces the
incredible 3d puzzling game are running a gleam giveaway where they will be giving away a brand new quest too and if you enter the code wackman you'll get even more entries please check the description for the link well let's get straight into the video now this is the first time i've made a video like this also these rankings are based on my opinion but let me know your rankings in the comments below plus all these games are really good and since they're free you should check them all out
alright so first let's start off with number one gun raiders so this is a 454 pvp shooter and has a variety of different weapons from assault rifles shotguns snipers and even a minikin there are four different ones that you can play there is assault control free-for-all and team deathmatch to be honest the game mechanics are cool as you can climb walls like spider-man and have a jet pack to fly around however it's just all out chaos there doesn't seem to be th at much strategy or skill involved
it's just pick the biggest gun and shoot so it's great for kids and people need to v-up but unfortunately it's not going to become a competitive game like contractors onwards but since it's still fun i'm gonna give this a c plus number two v speedway now there aren't actually many free racing games on the quest too but this is actually really good one although the graphics are quite minimal but the gameplay is surprisingly good you even change gear s yourself now the game is currently said to be
in its alpha stage but you can't really tell that much but the main thing holding this game back are the graphic the lack of cars as well as the multiplayer missing and no story either so a few things hopefully they add these things soon but for now it gets a c for being a nice driving experience number three attack on quest now this is the attack on titan's game on the quest although this game does need to be side loaded i've got a vid eo that shows you how to do it without a pc as well if you
don't know how the game itself is fun to play where you'll be able to swing around like spider-man with swords killing naked giants but the graphics aren't that great plus the movement can be a bit junky but the fact that it's multiplayer and it's cross-play with pc vr players is a massive plus so this gets a c-plus number four pavlov now one of the big dogs on this list to be honest this game should not be free and it shoul d be on the main store pavlov is basically a cooler version of cs go
with manual realistic reloading it might slightly lack the quality of onwards and contractors however it's not far off and the gameplay is a crap ton of fun not only that you can get mods maps and custom game modes which make it incredible plus the player count is great since it's free so pavlov for me is an s-class it's basically a must-have game for any quest owner number five epic roller coaster this is the be st rollercoaster game on the quest it might also be the only one they've also added
a lot of new updates to the game as well as a tutorial to test your level of motion sickness and tolerance now there are a few maps that are free and they are pretty cool they give you the roller coaster experience as well as making noises personally based on the fact that it's filling a gap that no other game has on the quest and it's pretty good as well as diverse with different game modes it gets a b minus number six revo mon now this used to be pokemon vr until they almost got sued
by nintendo so now instead of being an exact copy it's just a rip-off of it which i don't mind that much it's essentially the same thing as pokemon vr without the traditional pokemon names although i miss the nostalgia factor there is also a concept of nfts in here where you can sell rare river months for cryptocurrency if you want but you don't need to get involved in any of that if you d on't want to although i've heard someone sold a legendary rivermont for around seven thousand dollars but
anyway the game itself is actually fun and it's real pokemon battles and they seem to have kept the same pokemon moves as well there are some bugs here and there so i would give this game a b which is still pretty good number seven gorilla attack now i know this is probably the best game for a lot of people although what i will say it's a mix back the game is fun but it's a lot more fun if you're onto younger side this is mainly a multiplayer game where the people are actually what make the game
fun the locomotion game mechanic is very unique running around with your arms and climbing walls by jumping side to side like at the prison persia so that's pretty cool the graphics are just bad but i've heard that's intentional although still not an excuse now what makes gorilla tag special are the mods which keep getting turned off for the quest now i don't know i f that's because of the issue they've had with the hackers or because they wanted to introduce microtransactions but either way
they're inconsistent right now plus there's basically just one game mode which is tag but because of how fun the game is it actually gets an a number eight t for god now this game is actually incredible it has achieved something so unique which is physical locomotion that i have not seen in any other game utilize other than the eye of the temple but this game did it first and better this is basically where there are no artificial locomotion options you are the one that has to walk yourself and
there is a lot of walking but the game designs it in a way that you use only your play space perfectly plus it's actually quite interesting even as a story mode with voice acting as well with the decent amount of combat it even has hand tracking the graphics aren't to my taste but the game has everything else and to be honest i would be doing it injustice if i give it anything less than an s as it's a must-have for any quest owner number nine cards and targets this is actually a very underrated
card game it has its own cards and rules it feels a little similar to you gear or pokemon the card game but different since there are also multiple factions the graphics are great the community was nice when i tried it and you can unlock new packs by just playing the game you can even play against the ai which i appreciate the onl y issue i had with the game was that there are only select amount of tables and if they're occupied you have to wait for your turn i believe it's 8 players that can
play but a 16 player lobby but you can watch how other people play also it can take some time to gain enough money to buy a pack but if you play enough you shouldn't have a problem overall i'm giving this game an a number 10 hybo now hypo is a fun game with nice bow mechanics as well as the sarento style flipping about like a ninja although some people will struggle with this however this game like many other vr pvps suffer from the lack of players as most of the time you will be playing with
pods plus they have a battle royale mode with only 10 players although it doesn't matter as currently there aren't many people playing anyway however i will say when there are people or even with bots to an extent it is a fun game but there are already so many pvp shooters that these developers need to actu ally do something much different to stand out and even though they've tried i don't think they've succeeded plus being on upload instead of the main store hasn't really helped them so
hyper gets a c still a good one to check out number 11 rayman 2 vr yeah you heard me right now this isn't a full game but more of a demo and it's actually a fan-made game so some genius has brought the classic game rayman 2 into vr you're able to traverse through the level from rayman 2 hop arou nd collect items and shoot projectiles to nothing because there are currently no enemies this is an interesting demo to relive some nostalgia but due to the lack of content for now it gets a d number 12
aim xr well here's another one trying to get that pvp multiplayer gold although i think amxr is actually a really fun game even with the bots the game is a slightly less realistic version of pavlov in terms of reloading which can be fun if that's what you enjoy but it unfortunately l acks maps and weapons i wasn't actually able to find any lmg's either which is disappointing the graphics are nice though but it really feels like pavlov and i can't really think of much reason to leave pavlov for
this although i really do enjoy using the snipers in this game but the game gets a c number 13 cate well this is basically chrysler brigade 2 but for free and probably a lot more fast paced it even has a co-op play the graphics are very close to pistol whip which are acce ptable but i personally prefer more realistic graphics there is a lot of bullet dodging but playing with another person is where it gets super awesome since it's free you can easily find a friend to get it as well there are
two modes arcade and casual the arcade mode can be quite challenging as well so great to play with friends you also find different weapons throughout the levels plus it has a few different sceneries and you can actually select automatic weapons the thing proba bly holding the game back is that it needs to be side loaded so this game gets a b number 14 pokestars vr this is actually a very polished game now it is said to be for audiences 18 and over but you'll find quite a few kids in here not as
many as before plus the game actually takes itself a lot more serious than it did before it has a few different game modes such as roulette blackjack and poker the one thing i will say is keep your kids out of the skin it is actually meant for adul t audiences there is a lot of weird things going on such as people taking fake drugs smoking etc but the game itself is pretty good they also give you a wheel to spin daily to get more money in case you've lost it all i would give this game an air for
the quality number 15 elixir now this is a great game to show people new to vr it has great hand tracking and that's how you move as well the graphics are really nice and the effects they has are really cool and the voice acting is real ly well done the biggest issue with this is the length is very short maybe about 10 to 15 minutes short although i highly recommend anyone new to vr to give it a go but because it's a one and done type of game on this list unfortunately it gets a d-plus although i
did really enjoy it but only for 10 minutes number 16 touring cards vr now this one can give you a nice dose of motion sickness if you're not careful but this is basically mario kart in vr although to avoid motion sickness i t has multiple different viewing options but there's a lot of spinning around so if you don't use other modes you're likely to feel sick the graphics are quite nice and the gameplay is fun the game is multiplayer but i couldn't really find anyone to play against they were
all bots they also have a paid version which adds to the free version the game is fun though as you can grab items and throw them at your opponents i did experience some bugs in the game which prevented me from m oving on before i gave up so overall this game gets a c plus number 17 hacks now this is currently classed as a demo but it will be a multiplayer game currently you're able to play with bots but once it goes multiplayer i can imagine becoming paid the game is basically a pvp shoot where
you're a robot fighting other robots it has two different game modes one is team deathmatch and the other is terminals which is basically domination the game also has four difficulty levels for the bo ts but they are all thick as bricks the main unique thing about the game is that you can transform the ammo magazines to grenades swords and axes although i don't really like the implementation of the grenades they're hard to use and are slow the time to kill with the weapons is extremely fast as
well which also means the time to die right now it feels a little empty with just the dumbbots i also experienced some strange glitches not allowing me to grab my armor magazine but it fix ed itself after i died also i recommend anyone new to vr to change the turning to snap turning a smooth ending is owned by default which will make you feel sick if you aren't used to it that should not be the default overall hacks gets a c minus number 18 open brush to be honest we are lucky to have this free
this is basically tilt brush but they made it open source for some reason and i've made it free it's basically a 3d painting app in vr you have different brushes paint fire lig ht and the possibilities are actually endless tilt brush is owned by google so that's all let's let people have it for free and this is exactly that with the polishing quality of it as well so now you don't need to pay twenty dollars for this awesome app so open brush gets a p plus number nineteen brisk square so this
is basically similar to pistol whip but with a sword and telekinetic powers as well as a gun the game is basically an endless runner where the scene is automaticall y moving towards you there are enemies shooting at you and you need to see how long you can last by slashing and shooting enemies however the further you go the faster the scene gets it is actually quite challenging and every time you fail you start from the beginning the game is in early access so it's being currently worked on
they recently added further features such as dual sword wielding as well as increased speed from the start there's also a skill tree where you can devel op your three main abilities which include slowing down time and telekinesis the graphics are reasonable but the effects are a little bit of a let down as even the giant slabs of stone just disappear the issue is that the game does get really repetitive after a while so overall the game gets a c number 20 battle talent now this is basically
a free version of blade and sorcery even has mod support there are multiple enemies to kill as well as a progression system there are realis tic physics magic powers and a varied amount of enemies to be honest given enough time i think this game can be better than blade and sorcery especially since the developer is working on multiplayer as well but i think he needs a better time for the physics to also be tweaked i also wish he had humanoid characters but because it's so good battle talent gets
an a-plus as it's a must-have number 21 physics playground now this game is like that me mom i want bone works we have boneworks at home this is boneworks at home not only that this is actually an older version of the game sports mode now sports mod is the paid game and it's just the more polished and advanced version however this isn't bad either the physics are here so are some of the weapons and you can spawn enemies and have fun killing them although there isn't really that much to do and
there aren't that many options eventually you'd probably just buy sports mode so physics playground gets a d number 22 vr chat well this is one of the most famous games on this list a lot of people actually get a vr headset for vr chat although it is a very social game where you can just chat to people relax and even play games the best part about vr chat and why it sets itself apart from everything else are the avatars you can be anyone that you want although you'll find a lot of japanese anime
girls for some reason another thing which is probably a copyright nightmare are the vr worlds you'll fin d almost everything you can think of you want to travel to springfield from the simpsons you can you want to go to the world of zelda breath of the wild you can now the only issue with the game is that it's not really well optimized for the quest there are a lot of things that will be hidden from you and all you can't experience due to the limitations of the quest so due to that the quest
version of vr chats gets an a plus the pc version would have got an s number 23 rec room now rec room is actually a more frame rate stable version of viacha but with a lot more kids like there are a lot of kids personally to me this is kind of like roblox but for vr as there are many different games that you can play from laser tag squid game paintball you can go on quests and loads of other things a unfortunate does not have the same avatar changes like vr chat plus the graphics are more
cartoony so even the words that have been created aren't as great to look at but this game still deserves an a number 24 ancient dungeon beta now this was in beta for a while and actually came out as beta last month however you can still get the beta version if you click the link in the description below the game itself is a roguelite version of minecraft combined with zelda you fight your way through collecting items and powers as well as killing monsters the aesthetics aren't exactly like
minecraft to be honest the game is actually a lot of fun as well so i'll give the beta version a b number 25 bait well this is basically just a free fishing game on the quest it's fun to play you're able to catch fish sell them then buy bait for bigger fish and repeat there doesn't seem to be too much more than that to be honest but it is a nice fun fishing game so it gets a c number 26 vr workout now this is one of my favorite workout games mainly because most others are paid this has
everything you could want in a workout game the only thi ng holding it back are the graphics which are really bad from my perspective but the fact that has hunt tracking loads of different workouts even ones that other games don't actually make you do makes this game a real top contender for me this game gets an a number 27 grapple tournament vr demo now this used to be free earlier this month however they've done a full release of the game and have made the free version of demo and the
paid version well paid the split is that the free version has single play with bots and sometimes they'll let you play multiplayer currently you can't play multiplayer though but the game is actually pretty cool and fun it's basically like spider-man with guns kind of because whilst playing i did forget to use the grappling hook most of the time but the game is actually really hectic every time you die you lose your gun and have to find another one which are scattered around the map but
there are a lot of different gun s to find the only consistent gun that you have is a handgun but the guns aren't far from you but it is annoying being caught in a gunfight before you can get to the one you want there are seven maps and four different game modes overall this is a fun game and the graphics are good the gameplay can be fun but because of just the all-out chaos that can get annoying i'm gonna give this game a b-minus number 28 echo vr now this is actually a great game on the quest
too the game is basi cally a spin-off from low neco and has incorporated its floating in zero gravity mechanic where the thrusters on your hand propel you forward or you can push yourself using anything around you you're basically playing quidditch from harry potter the only issue with the game itself is that it is tough for the new people into vr as it will give you motion sickness in the beginning but that's not really the game's fault and when you get used to it it becomes much better there is
a learni ng curve to the game but you'll get used to it the more you play community wise there are a lot of little kids some i'm surprised are old enough to put on the headset but it is what it is although the issue with the game from what i found is that it only has that one game mode although fun i would have preferred a little variety but because of the quality and fun this game gets an a number 29 harvest vr now this is a unique one on the list this is basically a farming simulator for
which there is a good market for look at farmville but here you get to farm crops mine fish take care of animals as well as slaughtering them you sell your harvest and buy new and better tools you can even play on real time or simulated time depending on how you want to extend your game and how realistic you want it to be to be honest the only thing holding it back from me are the graphics they are actually a little worse than rec room which is disappointing but the game is relatively fun as you
can collect items and even complete quests if this was a multiplayer would have been much better so for now this gets a b minus number 30 cosmic flow now this isn't really a game in itself but it is really cool it's basically a relaxing and trippy environment that you sit watch and probably goes off to you're able to control the speed of the particles the quality as well as the width it feels like you're going through a different dimension with really calming and relaxing music y ou're able to
reverse it as well which makes it feel like you're falling from it this is a really cool experience and since it's free it's a great one to try but because there isn't really any variety other than the one i'm going to have to give it a c number 31 help yourself now this game is criminally underrated have you ever wished you could clone yourself to help you with things well this game is exactly that it's actually incredible you basically clone yourself using time trav el where you help yourself
by throwing yourself ammo or weapons etc it's crazy to think about it but the game is basically a puzzle shooter where you have multiple spawn points but also multiple tasks that need to be completed at the same time so what you need to do is spawn in one location do your action then throw the gun in the direction where your time clone will be and then reset the time loop and then grab the gun that you threw earlier and use it to kill your enemy the concep t is amazing and i can't believe this
game is free the puzzles also get hard at the higher level you go and there is a reasonable amount of content currently plus they're looking to introduce the map editor which will make it endless the art style is like comic book which is okay it reminds me of borderlands the game is currently early in its development so the potential is there for it to be one of the greats but for now it gets an a plus for the novel style of gameplay and the fu n you can have with it number 32 big screen well big
screen isn't a game but a very useful free app on your quest you can watch movies tv shows you can even connect it to your pc you can watch movies from your phone as well i have a video showing you how if you're interested the only thing missing is that it doesn't actually have movies currently in the cinema as that would be amazing but the 3d movies are pretty cool i suggest you checking out the free trailers to get the experience overall big screen gets a b-plus it will be an s if it ever gets
movies currently in the cinema well that's all folks here are the ratings to the top 32 free games on the quest hopefully you found some great games that you've never heard of this wasn't an easy video to make so if you enjoyed it then please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel and share if you can also remember to enter all of the giveaways well thanks for watching have a great day stay safe and see you nex

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