
Richie’s Plank on Oculus Quest 2 my buddies reaction. This is hilarious. 😂

by - janeiro 27, 2022

Richie’s Plank on Oculus Quest 2 my buddies reaction. This

Richie’s Plank on Oculus Quest 2 my buddies reaction. This is hilarious. 😂

all right come on okay all right look around and just get kind of familiar with the surroundings all right and then look uh behind you you see an elevator okay go in the elevator okay now look to your right and you see the top one that says plank click on it oh hell no oh shut up just do it oh you can't take it off yeah there you go oh what do you think's going to happen i know it's going to happen it's going to be heights and this feels like it's real i've done something like this before you've

done this one before oh no okay stay right there right when you're ready walk out to the end of the plank dude don't take them off don't take them off oh well at least just go to the end of the elevator no walk to the end of the plane oh look down so i can see if you're on the plank okay you haven't got out the elevator yet man that's what makes it more exciting oh my god you just have to trust that you're walking on the plank that's scary just work your way out there what do you do when you go

to the plank just walk out look around look around that's it you're just gonna it's all about being brave and walking out to the end oh god gosh just enjoy the view there's birds and helicopters and but you can't see everything until you walk out there i know that's scary trying to get his feet you're gonna break the board huh no no it doesn't i can't do that i don't have that option i would if i could the only way you would the only way you would fall is if you jumped ye ah and then that's what

i'm gonna ask you to do when you get to the end oh no just try it oh no dude you're in our living room you're fine [Laughter] don't remind him it doesn't feel like it what am i ready dude everybody says everybody says that oh man this is some scary right here well you don't have to go to the end just step off the side then then you're gonna either way you'll fall oh gosh hi cluster you're almost to the end dude you can do it i believe in you are you looking do wn you might have passed the plank

no no he's looking down you can see huh no you can't see the end of the plank no well look down look down again i think you're at the end let me see are you ready let me see let me see look down no come on no i'm stuck and i'm shaking okay i'll tell you exactly what to do right now okay slowly back up oh god i think i'm trying to balance oh [Laughter] [Music] okay now we're gonna do something else oh yeah that was awesome okay so now you're gonna u m now you're gonna go look to the right flick to

the right and click on ground oh good job but we're gonna have to do one more one more fun thing that was hilarious that's some scary stuff you should make them do the one that kayla never had okay all right now do me a favor look down hold on real quick look to your left look down to your left and you see that little no there's a little door like you see that little door okay push on that door open it up okay now click that button thre e times well you gotta yeah there's one two three there you

go okay back up a little bit what the hell just enjoy it dude just enjoy it see ya get away are the spiders holy crap what the heck is that [Music] [Laughter] oh on hold on okay look out the door look out the door who is this who is it okay wait wait listen listen you know go go to the phone you have to answer that phone who's on the phone who's calling it's juliana juliana juliana yes can your dad call you right back yeah h e's on this yeah he's on an elevator he'll play right there that was

funny if you don't answer it you got to answer it there you go and now listen to it hello oh god oh my god whoa there's more well then yeah yeah okay hold on hold on all right i think you messed it up when you went to take it off what just happened now you can see this he's okay what's around you yeah you messed it up when you went to take it off i think oh no no oh oh yeah right there okay look at that guys he's trying to he's trying to scream he's trying to screw you dude he's trying to drill

you okay now next one there's more oh okay i think that was it right is that it see you did it you survived oh Inglês

Richie’s Plank on Oculus Quest 2 my buddies reaction. This is hilarious. 😂


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is hilarious. 😂

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