
This Spider-Man VR Game is AMAZING! (Oculus Meta Quest 2)

by - janeiro 27, 2022

This Spider-Man VR Game is AMAZING! (Oculus Meta Quest 2)

This Spider-Man VR Game is AMAZING! (Oculus Meta Quest 2)

hey what's up everyone so um yeah today we are going to become our friendly neighborhood spider-man in glorious virtual reality that's right since the new movie spider-man no way home just came out i thought this might be a good moment to revisit one of the only and probably the best spider-man vr experience made to date and what you can do in this vr title is web swing through new york and while doing so save it from an alien invasion that is about to destroy the entire city it's up to you or

in this case us to prevent this from happening without the help of the avengers oh boy yeah so you can download this spider-man vr experience for free on the playstation vr steam and the oculus pc store meaning that it does not run natively on a quest that's why i'm going to use airlink in combination with a computer you can find more information about what airlink is and how you use it in the description below and over there you also find links to this experience and all the platfor ms that come

with it so you can give it a try yourself it's been a long time ago since i last played it so i have honestly no idea what to expect before we uh jump in let me know in the comments below what superhero you would like to play in vr i'm very curious to hear what you would pick because the marvel universe or well the the multiverse is huge so there is a lot to choose from anyways now it's time for us to jump into the metaphors and uh have some fun let's go hey go for sparty yeah hey go for peter

that's a weird answer dude where are you please tell me you're swinging at this exact moment kind of nope oh wow he's hiding his masks in his desk that's funny so yeah here we are in um peter parker's uh room he said that's fantastic check this out he's uh hanging his suits inside the closet what oh this is kind of cute okay so uh what we're gonna do is we're about to swing through the streets of new york city it's gonna be a blast so um what we're gonna do fi rst is pick one of these masks let

me see we're going to go for [Music] let me think yeah the upgraded one totally okay let's put it on and get this party started and we're outside sweet what a view are you seeing this yes obviously because internet is this building insanely tall or is it just me yeah it is but no biggie dude i'm the amazing spider-man so i got this let's uh jump off the building shall we i'm ready quick building dude this looks easy yeah it's not that easy trust me we can even uh wall run that's epic so this is

what it feels like to be spider-man huh this is awesome this is ultimate freedom let's see if we can find a car yeah i mean an experimental laboratory you know like the spider that i'm trying to concentrate right you sorry go real fast if you want to i gotta say the swinging mechanics are quite satisfying for a free experience not bad at all i'm gonna wait what is what is this are those drones what is that oh they're everywhere oh what [Music] oh this is the sky is falling this is not dude

get out of there [Music] oh we're in trouble peter can you hear me big trouble offline you serious oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh thank god you're back you got hit what's that what the heck is going on over here that thing is using the roads for armor he's like evil legos [Music] oh it's working shoot those drones they're repairing him wait they aren't oh yeah that's not gonna happen [Music] it's huge shoot those drones ther e's so many pull off the armor oh you know what i got an idea

let's swing to the other side and uh make a web right over here because we have to stop this monster before it destroys the entire city fingers crossed i think it's working oh it is i can slow him down if you want so that's that's handy he's escaping don't let him get away oh no they hit me i think he's heading for central park more bad news at this point that thing is going to get there in about three minutes th anks for the encouragement [Music] free to use some help can you trap him with your

webs force him into a dead end hurry hello oh that was a closed one i'm here oh [Music] let's hold on to it oh this is much easier so three minutes you said okay let's hide in this alleyway before it it's us [Music] eat this i think it's working oh no oh no we got some company you're not going to stop me oh no [Music] i know i know i know i know we got some company [Music] oh yeah and we took it down yeah what would the city do without us i don't know ned best answer ever what did i think and

that was the very very short story mode of this spider-man vr experience and i agree it's ending on a random note i mean there is not much happening afterwards it just fades to black and then they put you back into the menu it's not like there is this cutscene that shows you some cool stuff no that's it that's all you can kind of see where they had to cut the budget if you know what i mean but luckily there is more to it don't worry so when you are in the menu you can then dive into its free

play mode and where you get to explore more of the city do time trails and fight waves of drones and if you successfully finish these challenges you will unlock more spidey suits than you can then put on in the menu and wear in the story mode again or you go back to the city so yeah there is some play time here and there that you can still use to your advantage but overall it's free and there isn't that much to it because it's made to promote the movie to get you into the cinema right so they

want you to buy a ticket instead of spending your entire day being spider-man in vr hopefully in the near future we get a full-fledged spider-man vr game with stunning stunning visuals better performance oh yes because this was kind of laggy a fantastic story and gameplay mechanics that will blow our minds because let's be honest what i just played might just be sup er basic but it definitely proves that based on the swinging mechanics alone you could create something truly epic in vr imagine

insomniac spider-man game that you can play on playstation but then in glorious virtual reality i mean that's the ultimate dream and fingers crossed they are going to consider this when the playstation vr ii arrives i do think it would be a huge movie and vr headset seller for sure maybe even comics it does hype people up for the entire franchise and the marvel universe the multiverse and spider-man in specific so yeah if you want to play this yourself you can it's available on the playstation

vr steam and oculus home so i will make sure all the links are in the description below if you can't get enough of the marvel universe of the multiverse as i said i would recommend you watching my ironman vr series or check out my playlist of marvel powers united you can click on the info tab above or again visit the description those are sup er fun to watch anyways with that being said i hope you enjoyed watching this if you did then be sure to slam that like button let me know in the comments

below what your favorite superhero is who would you like to be in vr and uh with that being said until next time see you in the metaphors and bye bye for now Inglês

This Spider-Man VR Game is AMAZING! (Oculus Meta Quest 2)


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