Wow...Most INSANE VR Quest 2 Visuals!
Wow...Most INSANE VR Quest 2 Visuals!
Wow...Most INSANE VR Quest 2 Visuals!
what you're seeing on the screen right now is not from a video it's actually from virtual reality not just vr but standalone quest 2 vr yes today we're checking out a brand new experience called other site on the quest 2. other site will allow you to explore locations around the world that have been recreated with photogrammetry and they are photo realistic and you can learn about these locations through tour guide type presentations let's go ahead and check out some gameplay of other site
on the quest 2 and stick around after the gameplay as i have a few important thoughts about this experience let's do it right now all right here we are inside of other site this is tokyo and you can actually explore this back alley area of tokyo there's even interactable elements where you can grab onto stuff like these traffic cones i don't think you can place them on your head though that would be kind of cool but you can't you can grab these signs though too in case you see someon e you need
to smack you could smack over this time but anyways we're in this this alleyway this back alleyway and there's different interactive elements and it's really just about exploring in fact there's actually little spots along the way i have them turned off right now but you can go into the settings and before i before i get too much further i do want to mention that it is click turning currently there is smooth motion all through this entire area and all through all of these different scans there
is smooth motion but only click turning as of right now so hopefully they add in click turning but you can go to the settings here it'll show you a map of the whole area where you can explore you can also go to settings and you can do navigation you can turn on your pointer just put videos on those little video spots right there they allow you to um stand on them let me show you there's a spot back here hold on i've got the voices off right now in case i stood on one but let's just stand right
here if you stand in a spot then you get a tour essentially from a local tour guide they'll speak to you they'll tell you about the different locations inside of where you are about what's going on which is pretty cool very educational um and you can turn seated on you can do this whole thing seated you've got sound settings and all that kind of stuff but let's explore tokyo which is pretty cool one of my favorite things about these locations is th e fabrics the fact that you can see fabrics
moving that one's not interactive there's certain fabrics that are interactive i'll show you that in just a second but there's just so much cool stuff to look at and the fact that it's a 3d scan makes it so that uh it is as photorealistic as you can get in a quest game this reminds me kind of of that other game brink vr the uh the location one you can explore where you go to different places around the world and in the us and look at sc enery this is kind of the same idea on a smaller scale where
you're gonna go to locations and explore uh like actual environments instead of exploring locations where that are like scenery and stuff and this has a lot more interactive elements we'll go over there in just a second this is really about looking around and seeing what's going on let's see if you can grab this off the hook you got fabric you can kind of play around it's a little stretchy but you know it's still pretty cool a little fabric you can hang back on the thing it'll spin around and
hang on there for you but you can go through and see just whatever you want look whatever you want i wish you could open up these doors but yeah you can uh you can look at the scenery this is like i never would have thought of a back alley looking like this in tokyo for some reason until i uh until i played this experience let's see if i can find out that there's more interactive oh yeah you can grab these bottle s you can't smash them unfortunately but you can open up a trash can too if
you'd like and there's these little uh pictures everywhere too you can find they're almost like postcard picture type things it's down there not much going on down there see these little pictures you can find everywhere look at different things a little arch japanese art looks like there's a little back alley here oh there's these things too these are really cool look at that that's pretty awesome and you can also turn on your pointer too let me just i'm gonna go to settings navigation if you
turn your pointer on you can click on stuff and with this voice if your voices are on it'll tell you all about it it'll tell you about the artwork so i'll just turn that back off but if your voices are turned up it'll tell you about the artwork this is just a back alley here let's keep going and we'll go back around to this area over here i wonder what happened if i call that phone number i wonder if it would actually be a real phone number that would be kind of cool let me see what else have we
got going on here i can't wait for them to add more locations because i just want to explore all these different places there's four different locations currently there's tokyo um there's a giant medieval church you can go to and then there's a uh with what we're gonna explore next after this another bottle which is like a museum type of place since 2007 huh we got going on her e little posters and let's see can we open up this freezer oh look there's more pictures in the freezer let's see that's
a freezer what's over here look at this ah look at that it's a handheld video game console there's some kind it's got a cartridge in it what's on the screen ah it's gonna say other side that's funny there's the buttons all right what else we got here what is this some other sort of box console maybe or something it's got a power plug-in it looks like maybe a video c able and a switch looks like some sort of a uh electronic device of some kind what's over here can you go over here well let me
see but another picture lots of pictures to find oh that's pretty look at that those trees oh that's pretty cool too can you go up here oh i can go up here oh there's a picture up here too grab that one japanese art all right let's go down this way the music really adds to it too each location has its own music that you can uh that you can obviously list en to that's what you do with music got some more bottles over here and then this is where it kind of stops you from going any farther
there's another little alleyway down here somewhere where did i miss it it must be down this way maybe but if you take your time to really look through this and you go through every single of these little locations where it tells you stuff there's a lot of cool stuff you can learn look at this art on the wall here graffiti maybe i already wen t to all the different spots but yeah if you if you listen to all the little pieces that they have for you to uh to learn about you can actually open this
too yep you can oh there's another picture in there look at that that's cool i don't know what it is some sort of art of some kind there's a lot to learn a thousand what is it some sort of food it looks like all right let's go to the museum because that was one of my favorite ones this one's really cool but i really like the museu m let's go to the museum so before we hop over to the museum this is the main hub where you start off this is like the menu area where you'll jump into every time
you go into the game and every time that you go back to the main menu to go to another location it's kind of like this trippy i don't know why it's it's trippy but it is kind of like a trippy place everything floats but you've got a whole bunch of stuff you can look at here too it looks like some sort of a looks like a turtle or something there like a 3d scan of a back of an antique shop or something which is pretty cool there's a whole bunch of stuff like you got like uniforms just pretty cool
we got some pictures sitting on top of a box war paraphernalia what else we've got in here backpack you got some sort of tools of some kind over there maybe some literature a whole bunch of old canisters of some kind and then you've got some things you can grab over here just like uh can you grab this no ju st like the other locations just some random it's like a rock and a uh a bike a motorbike but let's go to the next location oh look this is my favorite thing here grab this oops hold on let's
get closer not step on it there we go i love this wish you could pull out and just record something that'd be pretty awesome all right let's go to the next location all right here we are but this isn't actually a museum um it's more of a studio i should have said that it's that's the more accura te description of this there's a lot of awesome artwork in here you can look at in fact if i turn my pointer on let's go to settings navigation pointer you can actually interact with some of the
artwork and it actually moves which is pretty awesome see this could be the future of actual museums in vr going to a museum that was scanned like this an actual full-size museum and then having artwork that is designed to move and you can look at real artwork which would be pretty a wesome if you ask me but there's different things that you can click on it'll tell you about them there's only a few things that actually move in this one but uh everyone you click on if you have the voices on you
can actually listen to them talking about them i'll just leave the pointers on for now i guess considering that we might have something else you want to look at but there's a whole bunch of little things you can grab and look at in here oh that is some sort of antique box of some kind oh she moves too and let's see i think you can grab onto this thing looks like some sort of a plant or something you can't grab to that um let me see there's something specific i was going to tell you with oh it
wasn't something because i'm going to talk about this place this place this actually has what the heck is this that looks like somebody had an accident on the chair almost um what was it oh hand tracking this this experience actually supports hand tracking whi ch is pretty cool so you can actually uh use hand tracking oh i like this watch look you can touch the fabric um there's a book yeah this this this experience actually supports hand tracking why in the world why is there pine cones or
something on every chair so you can actually use your hands and you use your hands to move around to the locomotions different than uh than if you were to use the controllers i'll show you that in just a minute after we get done looking around here but there's a whole bunch of antique antiquities and artistic stuff all the butterflies the fact that it is 3d skinned and photorealistic makes a big difference for something like this i think you can actually interact yeah that's cool um it allows
you to better appreciate art and all the stuff going on but the magic of this for me oh look let's open this up oh my hand just went crazy i'll try over from the wrong side the magic for me of something like this is and i don't know if this is even possible or not is it possible to make something like this right an environment that is scanned like this or like something in uh oh look that one moves too cool or like something that um what is it real vr phishing or brink vr traveler is it possible
to take something like that and actually put a game in it like could you scan a little real world location and then create a shooter down a back alley or something like the tokyo one could you put in and it would look weird probably because of the people wouldn't necessarily be 3d scans and realistic but i'm just curious if you could do something to make it an actual game probably not i'm probably talking up my butt but you know it's just something interesting but there's a whole bunch of stuff
you can look at in here anyways let's jump to another location and i'll show you how the hand tracking works all right we are in the streets of havana now and we are actually using hand tracking one of the cool t hings i think that this uses is how you actually move around you actually use your hands like that you hold your two fingers out like that let's see if you can actually open stuff but you can't open stuff in in uh with hand tracking that is awesome so see you use your hands and you put
your fingers kind of like that like as if you were going to walk across the street like that and it moves you which is kind of cool it's unique i've never seen that with hand tracking like that before exactly not that version of it anyways got a hammer and work on our car here can we open up the trunk too yep we can oh we've got a uh oops come on open up there we go we've got a pair of pliers screwdriver there we go screwdriver a pair of pliers oh let's make our way down here and you do it with
both hands too let's see yeah you go like this there we go okay it kind of goes where your head is looking too which works well we got some uh clothing here oh come on there we go move the fabric move the fabric all right let's see what's in this vehicle here open that up nice engine let's go over this way oops this way i feel like i'm doing like a sort of a dance routine or something there's a cat licking my leg i can feel it listen what are you doing you look at my leg what are you doing that
for open this thing up there's some more tools in there but anyways this is havana this is probably my least favorite location only because it's the most spares it feels like i t's cool don't get me wrong it's awesome to see the big buildings but aside from opening up a couple of car trunks and hoods there's not a lot really a lot going on here i mean there is if you listen to the actual location markers like if you use the markers to learn about the location there's a lot going on here you can
learn a lot about it um but aside from that there's not as much in this location it just feels like you're walking down a random street it doesn't really feel like you're in a uh really unique place just due to the fact that it's just a street but it's still pretty cool there you go there is some sample gameplay of other site on the quest too personally going to locations around the world has always been a dream of mine and have not been able to accomplish that dream especially in the
current state of the world we are living right now but using these types of applications like brink traveler or really even real vr phishing or this new other site is an amazing way to experience locations in 3d real photo realistic environments unlike with brink traveler other site puts you into locations that might be a little more off the beaten path not so much tourist locations that a lot of people know about and not really locations that have these big vistas or these massive landscape
views but more down to earth back alley type locations where you can see environments and get a feel for culture more than location the appl ication is currently 17.99 on the oculus store which is a little high for what it offers in my mind there are only four locations currently right now you saw three of the four locations in today's video it's totally different exploring them in vr so just watching videos is not going to do it justice being able to interact with stuff is pretty awesome too but
there's not a wealth of content here that's going to keep you coming back or really last longer than maybe a half an hour 45 min utes so 17.99 in my mind is slightly high for the four locations but they are supposed to be adding a lot more content in with more locations coming in the near future i don't have a timeline on that just that it is coming soon so hopefully we'll get a lot more locations you can explore that'll make it more well worth that 1799 price tag the addition of hand tracking is
pretty cool although i still prefer using the controllers to hand tracking just because i like having more control o ver my locomotion but what do you think about this type of application what is your thoughts on photogrammetry and jumping into 3d scanned environments and are you going to pick up this on the quest too let me know down in the comments what you think and if you're going to grab this to check out and if you want to get the most out of your quest and your quest don't forget to
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