
Do NOT Make These Quest 2 MISTAKES...

by - janeiro 27, 2022

Do NOT Make These Quest 2 MISTAKES...

Do NOT Make These Quest 2 MISTAKES...

so today's video i'm going over some of the more obscure quest 2 mistakes that newer users make some of which literally permanently damage the headset as a whole i know it sounds like clickbait i know it sounds like i'm trying to get you hooked into the beginning of the video which is obviously part of what this is i mean it's the beginning of the video but look at this absolute disaster that is the melted charging port issue we'll be going over them in a second because jesus christ i had no

idea there was this many melted charging ports like look at this man what is this so after showing the absolute carnage that is the oculus elite strap snapping harder than mark snaps my spine after talking about this design for my last video obviously a lot of you guys that well the elite strap want to know if this is preventable in any way possible so today i'm going through some of the more obscure quest to mistakes that newer users like probably many of you guys make and how to pr event them

or in best case scenario reduce the issues that they caused as well as going over sony's recent psvr 2 announcement that scares the ever living out of me i'll explain why when we get there also if me helping you from preventing complete quest obliteration is helpful to you at all like so be much appreciated if not feel free to call me in the comments down below so starting with some of these quest user mistakes it's only natural for some of these to happen with the influx of new users over

the christmas now i've covered a lot of the more basic ones in previous videos so the ones i'll be covering today are a little more specific and obscure if you haven't seen some of my earlier quest beginner videos i have a whole playlist for quest beginner tips that you can check out shameless plug i know but i'm actually trying to be helpful starting with the most frustratingly specific and obnoxiously complicated this is an issue that the quest community can 't seem to decide on at all

overcharging and undercharging as batteries are more complicated than mark zuckerberg drinking water while trying not to reveal his lizard identity a lot of this overcharging conversation was sparked literally sparked by some quest users posting images of melted charging ports now not only is melted plastic like toxic as to breathe in but having a melted charging port is a pretty scary image especially for those of you newer quest users that don't understand why this may happen initially i

thought this might have been down to using third-party charges that are higher wattages than the default quest 2 charger that comes with the headset but there's also plenty of images of this happening even the stock quest to charge it i mean look at this one it's literally melted into the side of the headset now i've mentioned overcharging in my past quest life hacks videos since the quest 2 uses a lithium ion battery pack i suggested s ome basic lithium-ion battery safety tips in that video

which includes shutting off the headset when not in use by holding the power button down until it fully powers off as well as not letting the headset drain below 20 as well as not letting the headset continue to charge after you've gotten that full battery green light both of which put excessive strain on the battery which is still generally true but seems to be a bigger point of contention than me and your mom as the quest community can't seem to decide on how much of this actually affects

the quest's battery as the quest almost definitely has some safeguards in place to prevent excessive degradation of the battery life judging by these melted port issues perhaps not very good ones virtual panda has a great in-depth video about this but eventually ends up at a similar conclusion which is don't completely drain this thing nor charge it longer than you need to unless you have a battery pack in which case who gives a mate though because literally no one can make up their mind a

person working in tech and repair and studying electronics explains in the comments section of that video that if you're gonna store these sort of batteries long term i.e if you aren't planning on using your headset for a while like some madman you should let them sit at around 50 and that when the battery isn't being stored and is actually being used you want to sit between 20 and 80 see what i mean here you literally can't win no matter what so at this point no one seems to know i personally

just put my headset on charge when i get the first battery warning and i unplug it from charging as soon as the green light turns on and not for any longer batteries dude jesus chris it is important to note that this shouldn't happen to begin with like this is something that's definitely facebook slash oculus matters fault 100 i'm looking right at you monkey boy what the is this so any use rs that this has happened to i wouldn't exactly blame because even if you do leave your quest charging

overnight which may be obviously shown by this is not the best idea this shouldn't happen to begin with at all i mean when was the last time you saw this happen to someone's iphone or someone's ipad this is something that although maybe possibly preventable by the user by just being more cautious with when and how they charge they should be absolutely no point where there's act ual burn marks on the side of the headset with a completely mangled and melted port because this is absolutely

ridiculous and facebook need to do something about this as there are posts of this from just a couple of months ago now facebook need to get there together on this next up is preventing elite strat breakages now if you've watched the previous video you'll know that unfortunately this is kind of inevitability for a lot of elite strap owners facebook said that they ha ve fixed the issue on the production line but there are still a good chunk of recent reports showing breakages a year after facebook

stated this so is there anything that maybe you if you have an elite strat can do no you're completely good luck next up is how to set ipd between settings with this cool new life hack sorry i'm just messing with you yes there are a few ways that you can help elongated musk grant your elite champs life very well pointed out by criminally underrated chann el soham ammon i'm sorry if i completely butchered this guy's name with my tooth british accent in it you pointed out that a lot of elite straps

aren't just breaking at the conventional weak points like the speakers that cause added pressure but anywhere along the sides of the head strap you mentioned that this may be down to some users pulling back on the head strap like you would with a lot of other head straps that have a bit of a bungee like system like the index of the default pr ess two strap and this may be part of the reason why so many elite head straps are breaking i feel like a for not realizing this sooner it makes a lot of

sense now if you own an elite strap i'm going to demonstrate with a much better elite chat made by kiwi design that shouldn't write but the same theory that i'm about to show applies to the elite strap as well loosen the head strap completely first like this then place over your head bring it down and then tighten it up pretty obv ious isn't it what you don't want to do and what sohan points out in this video is to not have it loose enough that it fits over your head and just try and yank it over

your face like this that way you're just pulling on the strap causing excessive strain for no reason so don't pull back on it don't put any excessive strain on it trying to yank this thing over you chunky ass dome now another tip to avoid cracking this or prolonging the life of the elite strap pointed out by some big b rains in the oculus quest subreddit mentioned that indicated by how the head strap is breaking instead indicates that it isn't designed to support upward strain and instead

designed to help downward force in chimp terms don't rely on the head strap alone to hold the headset in place make sure the top strap is taking most of the weight first and it's hanging on your head and then tighten in the head strap to act as a little extra force to stop the headset from wiggling around l ast case scenario this still breaks after all of this there's only one final solution to fixing this problem my boy philip you know what it shouldn't break hey monster get hit bit vr waves vr

lenses voa makes tailor-made prescription lenses for the quest 2 hp reverb g2 and many more so that users like you don't have to fit your chunky ass eyeglasses into a vr headset and risk scratching your lenses even with the quest whose glasses spacer it doesn't quite give enough space to truly f it your glasses and if you do you're that close to scratching those lenses being able to have perfect vision in vr without annoyance is truly a gift from the vr wave guards vo waves quest 2 lenses have a

magnetic design enabling easy detachment when sharing the headset with friends and family it also makes these super easy to quickly take off and clean if you fog up your lenses at all looking at screens for long periods of time can cause serious eye strain which can then lead to a ho st of honestly pretty scary eye health problems later down the line look after your eyes by picking up a pair of tailor-made vr wave lenses for your vr headset they also have anti-blue light and anti-glare filters

available for each prescription sponsorship aside via wave are seriously where it's at when it comes to vr prescription lenses and have been incredibly awesome and kind supporters of this channel since the early days they have full worldwide shipping at their website www. vrwave.store please at least give them a look if you want to negate ice train and vr link in the description down below thanks again vlad the continued support you guys truly are the real oh geez uggy back to the video so psvr 2

is now a thing wait please don't leave yet i really want to talk about this january revenue crash is happening i need all the help i can get get hip stomps are going psvr2 got announced i'm totally honest i am very moderately concerned here not because of what they just revealed but the patterns that sony filed for this thing in 2017. first let's just get the hardware out of the way there's no reveal of the actual headset just a dark image of the controllers and specs wise i don't really know

how to feel it's sporting a quote-unquote 4k display what what mate jim brub first this is not 4k stop with this it hurts my feelings this is a common marketing tactic in the vr industry they're just combining the pixel count from each eye which is 200 by 2040 which is just slightly higher than the quest twos considering that the quest 2 doesn't even use the full range of that resolution as it dynamically drops resolution to increase performance in games i think this resolution is enough to

somewhat future-proof the ps vr2 so the resolution here seems completely fine let's find is the 110 degree fov i'm gonna speak from the nuts here i am so bored of getting the same bullpark of fov headset after headset it's higher than t he quest twos which is at 92 degrees as reported by kaz and carrick magnificent channel by the way also very nice people for reference the index has a perceived 120 degree ffv the psvr 2 is 110 degree is kind of a letdown for me i still love the fov on the index

don't get me wrong but it's still not quite enough for me and i think most vr users i understand that getting a wide fov on increasingly compact headsets is a really difficult challenge and very complicated and i'm nowhere n ear smart enough to provide a solution but i really would have hoped for a headset that's going to be tethered to a ps5 now to at least have a wider field of view going forward here it's an improvement over the original nonetheless which had a 96 degree fov oh and also having

an oled display that's also fully capable of hdr is awesome and i'm very very excited for it onto the eye tracking now it's unclear what else this will be used for outside of just fov edge rendering and how well this will actually be supported in games but i am excited for it nonetheless inside out tracking yeah it's great i wouldn't have expected any less in this day and age the headset feedback that uses a motor to give the impact of movements explosions gunfire etc seems genuinely really

interesting but if not done right this could easily come off as super annoying when some toddler is hitting you in the side of the head with a basketball and something like rec room 3d audio is great and is a must-have on all vr headsets nowadays so i'm excited for that no wireless support however this is something that does concern me a bit after the amount of play time i've put into the quest to now i just can't go back to tethered gameplay i barely even use my index anymore cable kind of

ruins it for me now it's just hails in comparison to the freedom that you get playing natively on headset though as a few people in the vr community have pointed out that are clearly much smarter than me a wireless add-on unit may well be in the works for the psbr2 and might be sold later down the line so we'll wait and see what happens but right now i'm just not too jazzed about the cable so with the hardware stuff out of the way what is my main actual core issue at most of this hardware is

pretty fine and definitely a huge upgrade over the previous headset the thing i'm concerned about is something that i've mentioned in the past back in 2017 sony released patent s for their future vr devices that would essentially allow them to track how you speak and what gestures you use in order to shadow bang you from certain users this honestly freaks me the out it's just gross who defines what is offensive giving anyone in sony such control over something that's so insanely objective and

wrapped up in context and subjective from user to user is a total recipe for disaster now just because this is patented doesn't instantly mean that sony is gonna st art doing this but it's something that sony is clearly definitely interested in doing at some point which puts a huge grey cloud over this entire announcement for me like just listen to this excerpt from the tech writer article covering this according to the pattern the system works by identifying possible grievers if the tracked user

exceeds the safety rating threshold then this system will initiate a shadow back if what i just said there upsets you as it really should and you don't want this safety rating tracking system to come to fruition or come to other vr headsets in the future which it inevitably will if this succeeds you have to make your voices heard it's astonishing to me that i haven't seen more opera and frustration about this from the psvr community if we just don't do anything here and we comply with this

becoming the case we're sleepwalking into an incredibly dark future for vr as a whole though it is important to note besides these patterns i am on some level excited for the psvr2 i obviously think that sony is gonna carry this thing with its exclusives just like they do with the playstation spiderman ps4 god of war uncharted 4 goes to sushima are all some of my favorite games of all time like i love these games so much so i was obviously extremely hyped to see the horizon zero dawn vr game

reveal that we'll be releasing with the psvr too and not to just direct focus on sony here with these sort of patterns i have ha d complaints in the past and still do with some of the quest twos tos via facebook so no company here is really completely innocent i wanna know what you guys think down below genuinely i read the comments i want to see some nuanced discussion about this and if you want this to be heard i like and so would be much appreciated yeah that that was cheap i'm sorry but it's

true that's how engagement works on this platform anyway if you got to this point thank you for listening to my dumb ass talking this long i really do appreciate it you keep my watch time high to keep my youtube career from sinking faster than my soul after trying to research lithium ion battery packs for this video thank you i'll catch you guys in the next one peace bye bye my twitch channel by the way is closing in on partner if you want to talk to me live my twitch is the place to be if

you're not already following my twitch please do i'm more desperate than mark zuckerberg's skin looking

Do NOT Make These Quest 2 MISTAKES...


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