My First Time In Virtual Reality! | Oculus Quest 2 Unboxing And Gameplay
My First Time In Virtual Reality! | Oculus Quest 2 Unboxing
My First Time In Virtual Reality! | Oculus Quest 2 Unboxing And Gameplay
[Music] i got the package now i got one more stop hi can i get a big mac please hey kitty today we're going to be unboxing the oculus quest 2 but before i do that oh my but first i just wanted to say thank you guys so much for 98 000 subscribers that's where we're at when i'm filming this video but i'm not going to post it for a couple days because i'm gonna have to edit it and stuff but as you can tell i've been posting my tick tocks to youtube shorts i've seen some other tech talkers blowing
up on youtube by doing this so i just decided to give it a try and the first video now has 3.4 million views and it gave me over 10 000 subscribers which is crazy so i just wanted to say thank you guys now let's open her up oh i messed that up get out of here supposed to be satisfying but i hit the tripod and i guess this box just slides out or how does this work here we go oh it's not in focus there we go that's pretty clean it's a lot smaller than i thought it would be and these i thought on
camera they looked white but they're like more of a gray color whoa that's weird do i even have these in the right hand i guess because these things are supposed to make it feel like you're gripping onto things so let's set those aside and on to the big boy oh here i'll get the satisfying paper peel move lens left or right find clearest view i'll peel these off for you oh there is some satisfying oh yeah my cat's intrigued on what i'm doing all right and then i guess we g ot this so if you're
wearing glasses you could space the lens out further and in here we probably have the charger and i think that is it i didn't do my hair because i knew i was gonna have to put this thing on so it's gonna be messy all right i'm not sure if it turns on automatically or if i have to press a button i'll just put them on and see what happens hello hello it's a black screen all right there's a little button right here i'm gonna put it test it out see what happens it might be dead i doubt it oh
there's something i see the logo oh i hear some noises oh my goodness all right i'm gonna get the controllers and i'm gonna figure out how to like put what i see beside me so you guys can see what i'm doing oh welcome to oculus after this tutorial you'll be ready to explore now try pressing all of the glowing buttons oh my goodness okay boom boom try moving the thumb sticks around the thumb sticks can also be pressed like buttons press them in unti l you feel them click next use your index
fingers to squeeze the triggers on your controllers locate the grip buttons and squeeze them with your middle fingers now let's see what your virtual hands can do oh no oh no no to make a fist squeeze the grip with your middle finger and hold it down to point keep squeezing the grip and just lift your index finger now use your index finger to push the button in front of you squeeze and hold the grip button with your middle finger releas e the grip button to drop it your virtual hands can do just
about anything go ahead play with him no way a plane no what the heck what the heck it's so realistic i'm gonna throw these things up yeah let's play some ping pong here i missed oh crap did i just hit the wall give me some more ping-pong balls i can't oh no looks like you're getting the hang of it here's a few more what is this okay i'm scared i'm gonna hit the wall now what does this thing do pull tab and release no no wha t's this thing no way it's like the actual thing now oh my god make a
fist when you're ready to explore some new vr worlds insert a cartridge into the console oh we got some something here oh yeah boom no way on the dj press button to select gun no can i grab it oh no no no oh [Music] this is funny this is so fun i can't like it i don't know how to explain what it feels like because it's like i'm doing it but it's like watch what is this [Music] watch it nope can't punch her yes yo u can what are we trying to do in this one how's it going shake the dance let's go
really i'm a pro peacock dancer move your hands oh he's coughing me oh i get it now get down get down okay i'm so confused oh get down okay i'm recording i just played beat saber for the first time and i forgot to press record again i'm so mad oh well i'll go back on to it if i can find it okay we're gonna go to solo i played the campaign so we're gonna go to this one oh girl [Music] foreign this time [Music] okay [Music] that was crazy i'm sweating anyway that's gonna be it for today's video if
you guys enjoyed it make sure to go down hit the like button subscribe we're almost at 100k who knows i might i might even be at 100k right now just because i was in that virtual reality thanks for watching Inglês

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And Gameplay