Pretending to Be a New Player in Gorilla Tag VR (Oculus Quest 2)
Pretending to Be a New Player in Gorilla Tag VR (Oculus Que
Pretending to Be a New Player in Gorilla Tag VR (Oculus Quest 2)
once again my video idea completely derailed this video started out as me going to competitive lobbies with vmt uh but it ended up being something kind of wholesome when i pretend to be a noob so that is why this video has that title also peanut butter basically the intro is me talking about a completely different video idea but then i changed my mind but then the basically the video basically the video came from one idea and it became another one halfway through recording so in the intro
it's gonna sound like i'm talking about the completely different video than the title so just deal with it to be honest with you i've never really dipped my toes in the competitive scene of girl tag i shouldn't say toes in front of you i should know better look all this to say is when i play grill tag i play for fun i'm usually just goofing around my friends but there's a whole substrata of people in the grill type community who take this game really seriously they hold competitive t ournaments
they hold each other embracingly so today i'm going to hop into competitive lobbies with vmt and i'm going to disguise myself and we'll just see how it goes i may pretend that i'm kind of bad at the game but i'm actually good i just want to get a feel of how those kinds of players play as usual before we start i have a drink to try jones cane sugar cream soda i can get behind cream soda totally go buy it and try it out with me oh it's a twist oh i'm so scared of that that 's not cream soda yes
yes yes hello hey let me tell you something my mom wanted me to tell you that she's disappointed in you why so do you remember on your assembly video whenever you were introducing all the players yeah and for me look at me i'm vmt that she was so excited to see what great things you had to say about me you want to like be a tag team like i was thinking you could be pb and i could be jay not butter peanut butter wait let me just do brown how do i go brown i'm g onna brown what's more peanut
this is peanut butter peanut butter peanut butter dude look you can see the reflection of can you go can you go stand you about to hate this you have a big audience you have a loud voice tell them to fake lemming i want to see myself what this mirror i know it might be hard i got menacing i look it's like my little head peeking over the thing [Music] for everyone watching you gotta go to cue option two competitive [Music] they seem good they seem g ood [Music] do you guys like peanut butter i
love peanut butter i love peanut butter do you like fish brothers oh my god [Music] well i like peanut butter i put it on my alligator like this are you a hillbilly i might shoot hey man we forgot the point of why we're here we've been talking about peanut butter crawfish we've done got ourselves tagged tag guys watch out it's a hillbilly thing [Music] no joke i eat peanut butter with a spoon i'm almost on a daily basis what are the hea lth implications i don't know but i love it and it makes me
happy i love peanut butter yogurt on us [Music] coming up coming up [Music] oh no are you good bro [Music] don't moan like that what happened what these are slippery walls yeah i get that a lot [Music] [Music] [Music] are you good bro let me put some of that on me you're on the floor [Music] no way he's doing that oh my god that was the most embarrassing thing ever [Applause] [Music] hey man watch it okay we got grey we got gray up there treehouse treehouse come on we're in competitive lobby
let's feel like pros call outs he's on a tree on it on the floor uh pvp they're very good okay bro why is my leg issue oh i suck bro sometimes i have the motor skills of like a four-year-old come here boys [Music] sorry sorry sorry [Music] [Applause] hey can someone teach me how to play because i just got this game amen what's up hello you're real cool for helping me man basically you move by like pushing pushing your arms like if you put your arm here pull it back and move forward okay that's
good don't don't trick it up try to like don't push it down let's like see just put it barely on it and pull back so you go in a direction yeah i got that like like look at my hands like i barely put it on then just move back yeah i got that that's good man okay yo you know i was watching this guy his name was j-man he was real cool in that man i've seen hey green how about i tag you and i follow you around the map you kind of show me i was done this is the hardest map in the game i don't know
why you chose this but it's okay yo guys thanks for being patient i'm just learning how to go you know oh no yeah no same thing here i did a couple days ago it's really confusing at first oh my gosh oh you're okay man i know it's scary in vr dude just play force map i don't understand hey man i like the summer vibe in here man time honestly that man when i saw him playing this game he was going so quick man i just had to learn so i got the game yeah yeah it's crazy and it's got a real flat bunda
you know like it's listen he's got that bunda it's real nice and tushy you know yeah man i was chilling lean forward put your hands like this and then go like that what's that what's that right there oh yeah the funny walk don't worry funny run like this man yep pretty much what we're not here come check this oh [Music] immediate success so you come over here yeah that bad you put both hands on the wall and pull forward and push up at the same time yeah bro that's good man love that yo green
monkey you got a speed up farm they're after us bro what are you doing man you're insane you taught me really well man i appreciate your patience [Music] [Music] huh i appreciate the help you made me a better player today yeah you want to guess who it is hold on no freak bro who else would talk about j-man's fat bunda except me dude i i find it so nice that you were so patient with me even though you thought i was you bro that's so cool of you let's go let's go all right gg bros dude thank you
so much for being patient bro of course that was really sweet of you bro bro i'm gonna call my youtube video can you just stay back saying yeah i saw you in the game so my friends can believe me you're gonna be in the video i'm recording no way yeah dude you'll see yourself okay bye guys [Music] you Inglês

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