New 2022 Oculus/Meta Quest 2 UPDATE is HERE!! v37
New 2022 Oculus/Meta Quest 2 UPDATE is HERE!! v37
New 2022 Oculus/Meta Quest 2 UPDATE is HERE!! v37
guess what oculus just released v37 the first update for the oculus meta quest tool of 2022 with some features and they're gonna start to be available from today so without wasting any time let's discover this update together in this video let's get into it alright so as always this update is gonna start to roll out from today that means that not everyone is gonna get it right away but that means that well you're gonna get it very very soon so if it doesn't arrive in the second you're watching
this video well don't sweat it's gonna arrive trust me but now let's go through the change log step by step first thing app library now the atlas apps the meta apps are not gonna be pinned at the top of the app library anymore instead you're going to be able to reorganize everything with also the filter and stuff so that's good that everyone has the same chance to be on top of the list over there and that was a fast point second point is linked sharper in blast they improved the link sharpening
algorithm that means that when you use pc vr games on the oculus meta quests too well the image is gonna be a little clearer than what it was before they already added a sharpening filter in the last update but right now they're keep making it better and better getting closer and closer every time to a native pcvr headset that's always good the next change is stationary guardian from v37 when using stationary guardian you're not gonna see the boundaries anymore but it's g onna just fade in
the pass-through so that means that you're always gonna see what's around you in the small area that is the one stationary now this is one of the best and most interesting for me is the horizon ohm update that means that finally finally you're going to be able to move in your environment in the oculus ohm in a disconnected parts you're not going to be able to just go everywhere but you're going to be able to teleport in different parts of the environment so ye ah you're not going to have to
create gigantic areas to actually explore the places but you're going to be able to go around that's very good indeed because they're all 3d environments made very well and we were always stuck in the middle didn't make any sense at all right now you can just press the home button at the moment you close the menu and you're able to teleport around and turn around with snap and churn so very nice indeed i wish we were able to actually use locomotion around but that's the first step i guess next
change is in the menu with diagonal resize so now you're gonna be able to resize your app to different heights and widths initially this will be supported in an oculus browser in oculus tv files and some 2d multitasking app currently available on the quest and then it's gonna expand to others but the big change is actually the display bar now you're gonna find a little bar under your windows and you're gonna be able to change the kind o f view that you wanna have there's gonna be a tablet
view where the window is going to be very close to you and you're going to have a desktop view where the window is actually going to be further away and you're going to be able to use the multitasking to have three different apps open at the same time you use the bar with up you have the desktop view and we down we're gonna get to the tablet view where all the windows in case of the browser are gonna collapse together hopefu lly that will have productivity it beats and another thing that is going
to help productivity if you have the right keyboard to do that is actually the next update with v28 actually adds the support for the logitech t830 and you were able to just bring your keyboard in vr and worked there and see your hands on it and everything was very cool indeed and now they added the support for the apple magic keyboard so you're able to bring it in vr in the same way and then interact with the en d tracking with the different windows and stuff something that really
helps productivity now hopefully they're gonna keep adding keyboards on that it's just weird that they're going with the apple keyboard when if you play pc vr and stuff you usually have a pc anyway if you have an apple magic keyboard now you can use it in vr congrats and because we were talking about and tracking this is another big update there's an improved quick action menu so when you actually pin ch in your direction before you were just getting the regular oculus menu out now you're gonna
have a quick shortcut with different things like recording voice commands and something coming out from that moment and then you can decide which one to use or just go to the oculus button again that's very good indeed because it brings more possibilities to the end tracking that always felt a bit clunky instead like this it has a bit more functionality another big thing that i added is ac tually link sharing so now you're going to be able to share links from your android device to your
oculus headset and it's going to be also integrated in the explorer page that by the way has been updated as well with this update it's a bit different a bit more useful it seems but yeah you're gonna be able to use your android device and share different links with games and stuff and it's completely integrated in android using of course the oculus app so to do this make sure that your headset is turned on and the bluetooth is enabled on your phone then open a website on your phone click share
choose the oculus app open now select your headset and will automatically open the browser when you actually put your headset on again this is just available for android right now and it's gonna arrive on ios soon it's just weirdest and time they have stuff just for ios sometimes just for android well just decide in the last update of the v37 is actually some contro ller settings is only being an experimental mode by the way but you're going to be able to adjust the thumb stick dead zones so when
you move it well you have to arrive to a certain percentage of the movement to actually get to the movement this is good if your thumb sticks don't work very well there's some drifting thing i never heard about it on oculus headsets i never added personally i've used those things a lot but if it's something that you have that is very useful indeed i use it with my index because they have so much rift in there and so i can still play games with the thumbstick a workaround in that case but it's
good that they put it down here because yeah someone need it it's available now but anyway this was v37 i think that was a great update with many different things i love the fact that now finally we can move around the home environment i wish we could again use locomotion but i think that it's pretty good the link sharing seems like a good th ing to have but we have to see if it's actually useful besides some just browser links or something like it overall though a nice update a great first
update for 2022 and they said that many more are coming and there's so many more features that they want to add what i'm very curious about is the link sharpening plus hopefully it gets much better because i still prefer using pcvr but yeah it's getting pretty good over there link as well let me know what you think about in the co mment below did you try to like link sharpening by the way do you think that is good enough or we need even more improvements let me know in the comment below and as
always if you like the video like if you don't if you dislike subscribe to channel for more vr tech really love your channel subscribe button there little further also the patreon thanks for all the patreons if you're joining the channel of course and uh yeah that's all i see you guys next video thanks for watching cia

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