Top 10 Oculus Quest 2 VR Games
Top 10 Oculus Quest 2 VR Games
Top 10 Oculus Quest 2 VR Games
[Music] here we are again welcome to thrill mojo with another bangin virtual reality list video look in the past i've covered the best vr games of all time the worst vr games of all time and what seems like everything in between but you know what i have not made a video on yet the best of the quest in 2021 and yeah that includes the quest 2 of course so here it is this is my personal top 10 quest in quest 2 games available right now either on the official store or in the app lab and i'm doing
this list a little different than normal i purposely left out the no brainers like beat saber and rec room and vr chat i think we all know about those and they're on every single list video ever and they're just taking up room that could be filled up with a more obscure title so the must-buys that we all know about will be at the end of the video as well as an honorable mentions list and if your favorite games aren't included in this video then let me know down in the comments below but i think
it's time we start with number 10. the newest game on this list in fact it released not even a month ago it's the climb 2 only for the biggest thrill seekers among vr users see what i did there but no really the climb 2 is crytek's sequel to a beloved vr classic the climb just this time around the stakes are higher the mountain's taller and the set piece is way bigger the point of this game is to well climb but there's a lot more to it if you want an experience that will make your heart pound
and blood rush but also have points in the experience where you're taken back by the immense beauty of your surroundings then the climb 2 might just be for you new this time around you get to climb around skyscrapers as well as huge mountains and canyons and i'll warn you the climbing path isn't always what it seems and your virtual self will almost always be in danger but back to reality the climb 2 is one of the best looking games on the quest too as well an d while it's definitely not perfect
there will be moments where you peek into a valley and your jaw will drop at least minded the biggest downsides to the climb 2 and the reasons why it's number 10 is well graphics and beautiful set pieces don't make a whole game and unfortunately the only multiplayer available here is in the form of a leaderboard and the actual missions are really the only thing to play albeit they are really good all i really want is a free climb mode with a couple of friends but uh maybe in the future number
nine this is the only rhythm game on this list i promise and er this one deserves it pistol whip now pistol whip was a good fast-paced make you feel like a badass kind of rhythm game and to me it's kind of an everything done right in a simple package kind of game but then it got even better with a full story mode and cinematic campaign in pistol of 2089 even if shooting or rhythm games aren't your thing i'd give pistol whip a go it's a heart-pumping bass grinding adventure on rails that'll have
you feeling like john wick of course it's still not perfect and more definitely could be added to provide more variety but as of now it makes the top 10 especially with the 2089 update but now on to number eight and it's missed i could see that the future was open so i actually grew up playing mist and i loved the series but recently a missed sort of reboot has been released for vr and it's fantastic whether you have played mist before or not in case you don't know mist is a puzzle adventure
game where well you complete puzzles to advance in the adventure and honestly i couldn't think of a flat screen classic that works better in vr than mist tons of really engaging puzzles in the environment beautiful surroundings and super immersive soundscapes look the flat screen mist had me glued to a monitor because i felt so immersed this vr adaptation of mist however is on a whole new level i think i've said this before but i'm actually not a big fan of puzzle games or escape room style
games and myst has historically been one of the only exceptions to that rule and myst on the quest 2 has become one of the most immersive titles you can buy for vr in general so even if you're not a huge puzzle game fan which i understand i urge you to give it a shot you may be surprised as the hours get whisked away and you become immersed in the ages of mist now for number seven gorn [Music] look i love gorn it's probably one of my favorite close quarter combat based games ever made for vr and
it's just gotten better and better with more updates i have legit broken touch controllers kicks holes in walls and nearly broke a fan because of this game but god dammit was it worth it there's not much of a storyline there's zero multiplayer and shoot there really aren't many polygons either it's not exactly a pretty game but gorn is just a blast it's a fun game it's you and a super wack y wide range of weapons against a bunch of enemies that you can literally dismember any way that you want
and the only thing that makes me feel like i'm not a psychopath is the fact that everything is cell shaded and super stylized which is probably good for my sanity apart from just the normal bipedal humanoid enemies there's a bunch of boss fights like a giant crab that require a specific approach to win challenges trials tons of weapons look if you're just looking for some fun o r a way to kill some stress gorn is and has been one of my go-to's pretty much since it released a few years ago
on pcvr but here it is it's on the quest so gobble it up and enjoy it it's a good game and it's worth every penny and every hour number six so not gonna lie i might offend some people but i don't care at all for the jurassic world or jurassic park ip i don't know it just never interested me the movies are pretty good but my interest just about ends there which shoul d speak volumes about number six on this list jurassic world aftermath like i said i don't really care about jurassic park but i
loaded up aftermath and holy smokes in terms of immersive suspenseful and engaging vr games jurassic world aftermath is actually one of the best vr experiences i have played in all of 2021 the art style is simple but elegant and stylized in a way that just works well with the environment and current vr tech put simply you're on a survival adventure to fi gure out what happened to jurassic world all while being chased by velociraptors this game had me on my hands and knees hiding from dinosaurs
rolling yelling i was definitely blown away by the quality of the experience and something kind of interesting is that the story isn't done yet similar to tales from the galaxy's edge the story is set to continue later this year in 2021 so i'll be looking forward to it which me looking forward to a jurassic park game is not something i though t i'd ever say but it really is something special and it taught me a valuable lesson about judging a book by its cover because if i had never picked up
aftermath just because of the ip i would have been seriously missing out on one of the most immersive experiences of vr for the year big time recommend number five finally we get into some multiplayer experiences and number five here is onward so you may already know onward it's a first person multiplayer shooter that is closer to a tactical milsim style game than a typical run-and-gun arena shooter this is a competitive shooter for the hardcore community there's no mini-maps they're power
weapon pickups it's all teamwork and communication bringing vr gameplay together with the unique advantages of social vr as well if a hardcore milsim is your style then so is onward more than likely the game has proven to have very active developers and it gets updated pretty often and has a very healthy player base wh ich as i'm sure you know is extremely important for a multiplayer only vr game while personally i'm not the biggest fan of realistic milsims i have to give credit to onward wears
do it's a fun consistent shooter with a lively player base and it's worth a shot but now it's time for a shooter that's a little more my pace and that's where number 4 comes in contractors yeah it's technically a milsim style game like onward but the pace is usually a little faster and it's a little closer to something like call of duty in vr if onward were compared to arma i personally think that contractors is one of the best multi-platform vr shooters at the moment if you do want
a semi-realistic run and gun style plus the player base is actually really strong and it feels like it's growing every day pretty much as of now if i'm not playing pavlov on my pc then i'm playing contractors or pop one on the quest too it's really good there are plenty of people to play with an d there are lots of game modes to enjoy now for number three lies beneath this is easily one of my favorite games for the quest it takes all of the boxes for me to have an enjoyable vr experience it's fun
looks good has a great story and the vr interactions are plentiful and engaging i'm actually not too much of a fan of horror games kind of not at all i mean cheap jump scares and overdone gore just isn't entertaining to me and even though lies beneath technically is a horror game you can expect a lot more than just cheap scares first the art style is perfect for both atmosphere and performance you're in a horror manga essentially which is what the game is based off of a horror manga something
terrible happens to you and an alaskan town and you're trying to save your father as well as your own mind while creepy creatures infect the town's people that's a super simple explanation to a really good plot that i don't want to spoil the question you'll really be aski ng yourself more is what's real and what's a hallucination if you're into a cerebral comic book style story that goes deep has engaging combat and has some horror elements lies beneath easily takes the cake on almost any quest
top 10 list that i'll make and number 2 walking dead saints and sinners this is another game like drastic world where i don't really care for the walking dead ip been there and done that years ago yelling for carl [Music] but this vr game if you haven't played it is hands down one of the best vr games ever made to this date no questions asked i can say that with a straight face and absolutely mean it and the fact that this game is this big and detailed and it's playable on the quest is kind
of mind-boggling because the game world is huge very detailed and the gameplay loop is super satisfying whether you're gathering materials shooting zombies or running away from them or using whatever you can find around you to impale them this is t he kind of game where vr shines as a platform you are truly a member of the walking dead world the second you put a headset on there's an engaging story and even more engaging gameplay but that's also where this game gets kind of crazy as well
the developers skydance interactive could have just released the game had been done but post launch content has been flowing for saints and sinners and the game legit just keeps getting better and better with the most recent update brin ging a horde trial mode to the game seriously it's kind of a must-have in my opinion and it almost made the must-have no-brainer list but i figured it deserves a spot here the graphics are good the gameplay is great the story is intriguing and the environments
are believable and memorable solid recommendation number one population one this game almost single-handedly is kind of the reason i pick up my quest 2 all the time to play it's consistently 4-pop 1. i love the freedom of pl aying wirelessly the graphics really aren't that much different from pc to quest and that's that in case you don't know what population 1 is it's a multiplayer battle royale akin to apex legends or fortnite on the flat screen side but in vr of course and in some ways done
better there's building a variety of weapons to find on the map shield sodas bananas you can climb fly it's really turned into one of my absolute favorite vr games of all time for sure one of the best competitive vr games and it's one of the first competitive vr games that i take seriously as well the gameplay while i know it's not for everyone is smooth easy to learn but difficult to master rewards aggressive play and well for the first time a vr battle royale has enough players to fill
lobbies consistently you'll always be able to find a match which is something you can't always take for granted in a vr game some games are just so dead population wise that you'll think that the popu lation is one making those games difficult if not impossible to play but that's not the case here for pop one plus the game gets so many updates it feels like every few weeks there's new content or skins or events going on all in all this is the game that has made me use my quest to more
than anything else it's my favorite right now and it'll probably stay that way throughout most of 2021 and as promised here's my list of must buys or must downloads a lot of these are tota lly free and you can get sucked in for days on any one of them they're just must-haves that you have to download [Applause] and for honorable mentions hyperdash has emerged as a multiplayer game with incredible promise and it's one that i'm keeping my eyes on closely seems like the closest thing to overwatch in
vr on the quest at the moment red matter incredible atmosphere great graphics good storyline but some dated mechanics though still a goodbye if you ask me star wars vader immor tal series one of my favorites yeah it doesn't last for long but the quality is high enough that i'm okay with two and a half hours of campaign and the lightsaber dojo for around 30 bucks and there's my list there's my most buys and my honorable mentions if you have anything to add then leave me a comment down below and
tell me how much i should try it also join up in my discord server we have vr meetups and giveaways all the time it's just a great place to be i want to thank all o

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